Air Curtains

Sudhai Air Curtains have the comfort of an open door without losing expensive heat. With minimum financial costs and with respect to the environment these are an ideal option for all premises that require a constant internal temperature, regardless of the weather.

Top 5 Benefits
Of Sudhai Air Curtains

Prevent Air Conditioning Losses
Improves Sanitation
Increases safety / Enhances Productivity
Internal Climate Control
Prevents Insects and dust.
air_curtain working

Selection Criteria

The physical dimensions of the opening
Type of Opening – customer entry, service entry, dock door etc. (Residential, Commercial, Industrial etc.)
Prevailing winds and temperatures on outside openings.
The existence of any drafts due to pressure differences at the opening.

Over the long life of an Air Curtain system, tremendous benefits can be realized which pay for the system many times over. Some of these include:

  • Increased employee comfort.

  • Energy savings through control of air transfer.

  • Faster and safer traffic flow and increased production due to clear and open doorways.

  • Door maintenance cost savings due to decreased breakdowns.

  • Increased usable space near door areas.

  • Elimination of ice and fog in cold storage areas.

  • Increased safety in door areas due to better visibility.

Air Curtain FAQs


An air curtain is a special fan-like appliance that uses air to create a barrier between two areas (i.e. an indoor and outdoor space or two rooms) to control temperature and contamination.


By forcing air in a downward direction, air curtains create a virtual wall between two areas to accomplish two things:

  1. Control temperature – Similar to a door, an air curtain acts as a barrier between two rooms or spaces to control temperature and prevent hot/cool air from entering or escaping.
  2. Control contamination, including keep bugs out as well as dust, pollen and other debris.

An air curtain makes a great alternative to a physical door because it still allows people to move about freely between the two spaces, without the worry of air escaping.


Air curtains are similar to fans in that they generate a blast of air. The difference with air curtains is that they force the air downward to create an invisible barrier between two spaces, such as in an entryway to a store. This barrier blocks air from flowing between the two areas.

There are two types of air curtains: Heated and unheated. Heated air curtains are ideal for those who are primarily concerned about temperature control — for example, a shopping mall that wants to prevent heat from escaping through its sliding doors during the cold winter months. They provide protection against contaminants as well (i.e. dust, insects, etc.) while offering the added benefit of heat.

Unheated air curtains are perfect for those who are mainly concerned about contamination. They are useful in sensitive areas such as hospitals, body shops and kitchens where contaminant control is a top priority. The air curtain forces air down to prevent contaminants from entering the protected area.


A properly working air curtain will not be loud when it is running. Most air doors are about as loud as normal conversation volume. If your air curtain is excessively noisy, it could be a sign of a problem. All of the air curtains we offer here at Sudhai Airtech come with at least a one-year parts warranty with some models including up to five years. Be sure to study yours to understand what is and isn’t covered under warranty.


Yes. If you’re looking for a solution to keep bugs out as well as dust, pollen, paint overspray and other chemicals, an air curtain may be right for you. Air curtains are also highly effective at controlling temperature and are particularly ideal for building entrances where heat or cool air can easily escape. Air doors can pay for themselves after only a short period of use.


Every usage of an air curation is different. If you install an unheated air curtain to create a bug barrier over a small door, it will cost very little to run. If your primary concern is contamination, insect or flies control, an unheated air curtain may work best for you. For larger doors or installations where climate control is more important, operational costs can be higher. However, these costs are offset by savings in operating costs from your HVAC system. Heated air curtains save money by preventing hot or cool air from escaping from your building.

Contact Us

    Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00
    Sunday CLOSED
    Unit No.11, Road No.28
    Wagle Industrial Estate
    Thane - 400 604

    Pathode House, 506, Nandanvan Rd,
    Mire Layout, Nandanvan,
    Nagpur - 440 008

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